Technical Information about DCC (Digital Compact Cassette)

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Home/Software/ROM Dumps/DDU-2113

The DDU-2113 mechanism is used in the Philips 3rd generation recorders DCC-730 and DCC-951. It has 3 circuit boards:

The same circuit boards are also used by the FW68 which uses a door instead of a tray for the DCC deck. The only difference is that pin 5 of IC7500 is pulled low with a solder jumper to indicate that the mechanism has a door (the documentation calls it a “flap”, a weak translation of the Dutch word “klep”).

More information can be found in the Circuit Description.

IC7500 Dump

Provided by Alexander Alexandrov. This is the 8052 on the Deck Control board.

Note: The DCC Museum also has a source code listing for the firmware in this microcontroller. It may eventually be added to the website.